Sabtu, 12 November 2016


MAMA CAKE (2012)

Three friend named Rakha, Willy and Rio, trying to fulfill wishes Rakha grandmother, Its buy Mama Cake original from Bandung. They are go to bandung, then at the beginning of the way, they are discussing about various things. The problem arose when Rio and Willy forget thing to the bandung, they are have a conflict and eventually Rakha decide to do alone, but its not easy as expected cause many obstacles he have to pass.
At this movie its full of a moral and spiritual message  this was evidenced by patternd of their lives. 

*sorry for my bad Eng :)


Assalamualakum Wr Wb
Best wishes for all of us
All of my friends that I love,
In this a great moment, let me give a speech in the context of  “Global Warming from ME!” , to be reflections for all my brothers. But let’s say your previous our gratitude to Almighty God for all that we are blessed with an abundance of blessings for health and the opportunity to gather in this place.My brothers and sisters,

All we know global warming is dangerous for the earth and people but why almost every day we hear about Global warming? Because we make mistakes, start from burning jungle or another forest in the world until pollution caused by vehicle fumes, just because “About me” . my friend,  we don’t live alone, so keep save the world from another “about me” cause the world is WE not ME ! its not jokes, but it’s a true. the air’s getting hot, its not caused by  climate, but cause YOU!

Therefore, let’s stop destroying the forest, illegal logging and deforestation are the only important aspect of the business without going to care about the environment (About me)
Thanks for your attention-my friends

Wasalamualaikum wr.wb

*Sorry for my Bad Eng :)



Wake up started out the window
There's only one shadow
Remember mother told me
About the story of a fairy tale

Start with one word of luck
and hundreds of stars
she's dancin with prince
but where's the smile

When I saw the world
and I see a mirror
demon laughed at me 
and told me, its all just lies

By : Garda Carumna